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Long Term Injury Implications of Minor Rear-End Collisions
In the Chicago area, as the holiday season approaches,
adverse driving conditions come with it. Shorter days can
result in limited visibility, which can be especially
problematic during the rush hour commute home from work.
Additionally, lower temperatures can lead to snow, ice,
and other hazards on the road.
While there are steps that drivers can take to increase their own safety during winter time driving, such as equipping their vehicles with snow tires and leaving extra space between themselves and other drivers, the bottom line is decreasing visibility and traction can result in an increase in rear-end collisions.
Often times, these seemingly minor collisions result in serious injury—whiplash, head trauma, and broken bones. If you or a loved one are injured in a rear-end collision this winter, it is important to contact an experienced Lake County personal injury attorney.
Look Out! Ensuring Safety in a SmartPhone World
As the holiday season approaches, consumers will flock to
department stores in hopes of finding the next generation
smartphone. Smartphones have drastically changed the way
we think, operate, and navigate through life. Considering
the benefits of instant access to information databases,
smartphones are now viewed as a necessity in our society.
However, with the good comes the bad, and today many
Americans suffer from increased stress, decreased sleep,
and even addiction attributed to overuse of smartphones
and tablets. There may be no bigger downside to smartphone
use than the danger from using these devices on the road.
If you are unfortunate enough to be involved in an automobile collision either as a driver, cyclist, or pedestrian, attributed to smartphone related negligence, contact an experienced Lake County personal injury attorney today.
Workplace Injuries on the Decline: Illinois Below the National Average
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS),
workplace injuries
are on the decline. The incident rate within the private
sector workforce has declined from 4.4 cases per 100
full-time workers in 2006, to 2.9 cases in 2016.
In the state of Illinois, the average of 2.7 injuries per 100 full-time workers lies below the national average. Moreover, Illinois is ranked as the 9th safest state to work in throughout the United States.
A look at the long term trend in workplace safety shows that the commitment to improving worker safety has been a success. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), there were 10.9 worker accidents or illnesses per 100 workers annually in 1972 compared to 3.0 per 100 workers in 2015.
The Dangers of Dog Bites
Every year, an average of 4.5 million people in the
United States are victims of dog bites. Dog bites are
often times some of the most physically painful and
emotionally traumatizing wounds that a victim could
While many people assume that dog bites are relatively minor injuries that result in little or no long-term health consequences, that assertion is factually incorrect. From sprains and breaks, to puncture wounds that can leave victims with scars or deformities, dog bites can be incredibly dangerous. In nearly a quarter of dog bite incidents, victims are left with more than a puncture wound.
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), of the four million plus dog bites that occur annually, nearly 900,000 result in infection. Therefore, if you or a member of your family are a victim of a dog bite attack, contact a Lake County personal injury attorney today.
Knockout Punch: The Dangers of Airbag Deployment
Development of the first airbag restraint systems began
in the late 1950’s, monumentally altering the landscape of
motor vehicle safety. Airbags were commercially introduced in 1973 with the
General Motors’ Oldsmobile Toronado. Over the next 15
years, other automobile manufacturers also began
developing and implementing vehicle passenger safety
In 1988, Chevrolet became the first motor vehicle company to provide customers with airbag restraint systems throughout the entirety of their passenger fleet. Over the following decades, car companies across the world have been working to enhance the safety, strength, and overall functionality of airbag restraint systems. The results have been overwhelmingly positive.
The Importance of Pursuing Medical and Legal Action After Suffering a Head Injury
Today most people think of the dangers of concussions and
traumatic head injuries within the realm of professional
sport. They would not be wrong for thinking that way,
since over four thousand former NFL players filed a
high-profile lawsuit against the NFL in 2011 based on the
long-term life altering damage that accompanies traumatic
head injury.
While contact sports such as American football and hockey put participants in much higher risk of suffering concussions, traumatic head injuries are not limited to the arena of competitive sports. Traumatic head injuries can occur in everyday life.
Everyone should be aware of the immediate and long-term health implications of head trauma. If you or a loved one suffered a traumatic head injury, contact a knowledgeable Lake County personal injury lawyer today.
The Risks of Snowmobiling
Here in the greater Chicago area we are blessed to be in
close proximity to an abundance of outdoor recreation
areas. With access to the Shawnee National Forest, the
Pere Marquette State Park, and other incredible gateways
to nature, local residents have no shortage of options for
recreation. Even in the dead of winter, we can still get
out and experience the natural environment.
Today many Chicagoans choose to enjoy nature through the use of snowmobiles. While snowmobiles can be exceptionally fun for outdoor adventure seekers, they do come with risk of severe injury.
Risk of Injury
Over the last few decades, snowmobiling has become one of America’s favorite wintertime activities. In 2017, upwards of 50,000 recreational snowmobiles were commercially sold within the United States. But as snowmobilers flock to the outdoors this holiday season, it is important to know the risks of taking part in this exhilarating but dangerous winter activity.
With the Holiday Season in Full Swing, Be Wary of Drunk Drivers
Holiday festivities are in full force as the New Year
approaches. While families and friends come together for
the holiday season, alcoholic beverages often accompany
the parties. But as you and your loved ones bring in the
new year, watch out for impaired drivers on the roads.
Additionally, if you or a member of your family are
injured in a collision involving negligence or alcohol
impairment, contact a
Lake County personal injury attorney as soon as possible to discuss your case and options
available for recovery.
Drinking and Driving Kills
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), nearly 29 people die in drunk driving accidents every day throughout the United States. While fatal collisions involving alcohol impairment have steadily decreased over the last three decades, drunk driving accidents still result in more than 10,000 fatalities annually.
Contact a Lake County Vehicle Accident Attorney Who is Ready to Help You
If you or a member of your family has been injured in a motor vehicle accident, contact our office. Call 847-662-3303 to set up a free initial consultation at one of our four convenient locations. There is no risk because we only collect fees if you collect compensation. With offices in Libertyville, Waukegan, Richmond, and Chicago, we represent clients in Lake County, Cook County, DuPage County, and McHenry County.